
Natureman is focused on preserving and protecting the habitat types alkaline fens, petrifying springs and grasslands at 11 Natura 2000 sites.

Natureman is focused on preserving and protecting the habitat types alkaline fens, petrifying springs and grasslands at 11 Natura 2000 sites. The project wishes to develop nature conservation as a special operational branch of farming, create, and test incentives that make nature conservation financially interesting for the farmer by grazing or mowing.

In the project, we will work with a number of solutions to promote the economy of nature conservation, among other things creating coherent natural areas through land consolidation, by organizing grazing communities, new opportunities for support schemes, technology development for animal husbandry, and marketing and value chains for agricultural products from natural areas.

By making nature conservation a profitable business branch, it is expected that efforts will be sustainable in the long term and immediately transferred to other Natura 2000 sites and thus can contribute significantly to the fulfillment of favorable conservation status for the designated habitats and species at national level.

A number of working groups have been set up to focus on the individual elements of the project. Reports, fact sheets etc. from the individual working groups in the document archive.

Natureman has a number of concrete efforts at the 11 Natura 2000 sites. The activities will, as they are carried out, appear in the maps below and will be elaborated in tabs on the left.

Map of Activities

Interaktivt kort i MiljøGis

To see which areas activities were carried out on, you can access MiljøGis via the link below.

Link to Miljøgis