Improved Water Level
Improved Water Level
The habitat types alkaline fens and petrifying springs depend on a constant supply of clean groundwater. The water level is the determinant of the quality and size of the alkaline fens and petrifying springs. The habitats were common in the past.
Ditches and drains have drained many of the wet habitats, limiting their distribution. The areas left with alkaline fens and petrifying springs are often small and far apart. When alkaline fens and petrifying springs are drained, rare plant and animal species disappear. By restoring or improving the water level, the possibilities for preserving the unique plants and animals of the habitats are increased.
The project, aims to reestablish alkaline fens and petrifying springs. This can be done by removing or relocating ditches and drains, in order to let the naturally leaking groundwater run freely. Drain water from cultivated areas must be led around the habitat types as the nutrientrich water will counteract the restoration of the habitats.