The Project Area
The project comprises of 11 Natura 2000-sites.
Denmark has designated 252 Natura 2000-sites. The sites cover 8.3 % of the Danish land area.
The Natura 2000-sites are designated to protect a number of endangered, vulnerable or characteristic animals, birds, plants and habitat types. The species and habitats protected in each area appear from the basis of designation.
LIFE IP Natureman comprises of 11 Natura 2000-sites. In the project, there is a particular focus on the habitat types alkaline fens, petrifying springs and grassland.
Further information about the Natura 2000-sites: Natura 2000 - Miljøstyrelsen (
Natura 2000-områder:
The area consists to the north of extensive marshes and shallow areas in the fiord Limfjord, undisturbed islets, as well as one of the country´s largest estuarine lakes which are important resting breeding sites and sites of great national importance for the birds on the basis of designation.
To the south the area consists of two striking river valleys Halkær- og Sønderup Ådale. Sønderup Ådal is shaped by the almost unregulated Sønderup Å, and in the narrow valley and along the often steep hilly valley sides there is a rich and varied nature.The river valley contains large continuous areas with nardus grasslands and old acidophilous oak woods.
Halkær Ådal is a wide river corridor with meadow and fen areas along the regulated river. In this river valley the largest occurrence in Denmark of the rare habitat type inland salt meadow is found as well as a newly established lake Halkær Sø which is the largest freshwater lake in the area.
The occurrence of alkaline fens and petrifying springs in the two river corridors contains several very interesting habitats with the occurrence of Saxifraga hirculus and Vertigo geyeri.
Yderligere oplysninger om Natura 2000-område 15:
Nibe Bredning, Halkær Ådal og Sønderup Ådal
Der vil i Natureman være særligt fokus på en sammenhængende indsats for delområderne:
- N15-1: Gjøl. Oplandet til Ulvedybet fra Øst
- N15-2: Halkær Bredning. Oplandet til Halkær Bredning fra Vegger til Sebbesund
- N15-3: Sønderup Ådal. Oplandet fra Aars til Vegger
- N15-4: Halkær Ådal. Oplandet fra Mosbæk til Vegger
- N15-5: Attrup Enge
- N15-6: Skrædderengen
This Natura 2000-site includes the forest Rold Skov and the upper and middle part of the river valley Lindenborg Ådal. At the bottom of the river valley is the unregulated stream Lindenborg Å, which is fed by several springs, of which Lille Blåkilde, Ravnkilde, Blåhøl og Kovadsbækken is the most known.
Along the river valleys hilly sides there is an unusual rich and varied nature, particular characterized by the springs and limestone in the area. The area consists of some of the most preservation worthy semi-natural habitats. This includes semi-natural dry grassland that comprise of a variety of rare plants, e.g the red listed species Crepis praemorsa, Tephroseris integrifoli and the rare and red listed orchids Cypripedium calceolus and Neotinea ustulata. The area consist of excellent nature on acidic soil; various and large areas with nardus grassland as well as hilly heath-areas. The variety of springs is unique in the wet habitats in this area. This is especially due to the flora and fauna in the springs. Lindenborg Å is, in its upper course through Rold Skov, close to be in an unaffected natural state, as it is almost unregulated, having a great slope, have several gravel deposits in the bottom of the stream, and a supply of clean water from the many springs. The larger clear watered lakes is likewise of international significance, of which lake Madum Sø (lobelia lake) and lake Store Økssø (dystrophic lake) is of greatest importance. Populations of Vertigo angustior and Vertigo geyeri is found in the area, as well as ponds with Dytiscus latissimus. The mosses Buxbaumia viridis and Hamatocaulis vernicosus have previously been found.
Further information about the Natura 2000-site 18:
Rold Skov, Lindenborg Ådal og Madum Sø
Natureman will focus on a coherent effort for the sub-area:
- N18-1: Lindenborg Ådal NØ. Catchment area from Gl. Skørping to Håls bro
- N18-2: Lindenborg Ådal SV. Catchment area from Rold to Gl. Skørping
- N18-3: Rold. Source of Lindenborg Å
Kielstrup Sø is situated on the edge of the fiord Mariager Fjord. The brackish water lake is heavily affected by nutrients and can be designated as a coastal lagoon. The lake is flowed by a clear watered spring, Karls Møllebæk, and is separated from Mariager Fjord by a sluice and is surrounded by fens, springs, moorland hills, grasslands, marsh, thicket and forest. Although the area has initiated overgrow you can still find a number of rare plants and animals.
The species Vertigo angustior and Vertigo geyeri are found in the area. The rare Saxifraga hirculus has previously been found in the area but has now disappeared. About half of the Natura 2000-site is wooded and dominated by planted conifers but significant areas with beech forest are also found in the hills north and south of the lake.
Alder- and ash forests are often present along the watercourse. A common denominator of the forest habitats is that previously they were managed by pollarding which is still clearly evident. The rest of the area other is dominated by moorland, alkaline fens, nardus grasslands, semi-natural dry grasslands and juniper scrub. The area contains a number of extremely species rich spots with orchids among other things.
This Natura 2000-site is especially designated because of a significant presence of the following habitats and species: Lagoon, nardus grasslands, alkaline fens as well as Saxifraga hirculus, Vertigo angustior and Vertigo geyeri. Saxifraga hirculus howeverhas disappeared from the area
Further information about the Natura 2000-sites 22:
Natureman will focus on a coherent effort for the sub-area:
- N22-1: Kielstrup Sø
This Natura 2000-site extends from fiord Hjarbæk Fjord, Lovns Bredning and the peninsula Lovns Halvø in the west, through the river valleys along the four larger streams; Lerkenfeld, Simested, Skals and Nørreå, to the large fen-areas at Øster Bjerregrav and lake Fussing- and Glenstrup Sø at east.
The basis of designation of the Nature-2000 area is, amongst others, to protect the several habitat types in the river valleys.
This Natura 2000-area is especially designated due to a significantly presence of the following habitats (appendix 8): beach meadow, semi-natural dry grasslands, nardus grasslands, springs, alkaline fens, and bog woodlands, as well as Triturus cristatus, otters, Saxifraga hirculus and several waterfowls, including Bucephala clangula.
Further information about the Natura 2000-sites 30:
Lovns Bredning, Hjarbæk Fjord, Simested og Nørre Ådale samt Skravad Bæk
Natureman will focus on a coherent effort for the sub-area:
- N30-1: Lerkenfeld Ådal. Catchment area from Lerkenfeldt Gods to outlet
- N30-2: Lovns peninsula
- N30-3: Virksund. Catchment area from Virksund to Lundø
- N30-4: Simested Ådal S. Catchment area from Skivevej to outlet
- N30-5 Simested Ådal N. Catchment area from Aalestrup to Skivevej
- N30-6: Skravad Bæk. Catchment area to Skravad Bæk
- N30-7: Skals Ådal V. Catchment area from Bjerregrav to outlet
- N30-8: Skals Ådal -Rødsø. Catchment area from Hersom to Bjerregrav
- N30-9 Hærup Sø. Skals Ådal from Hvornum to Hersom
- N 30-10: Nørreå V. Catchment area for Nørreå from Viborg to Vejrumbro
- N 30-11: Nørreå midt. Catchment area for Nørreå from Vejrumbro to Løvskal.
- N30-12: Nørreå Ø. Catchment area for Nørreå from Løvskal to Volstrup.
- N30-13: Velds Møllebæk
- N30-14: Fussingø.
- N30-15: Bjerregrav. Catchment area for Skals Å from Øster Bjerregrav to Fårup.
- N30-16: Glenstrup Sø
- N30-17: Sdr Onsild Enge
- N30-18: Hjarbæk Fjord and Lovns Bredning
Sdr. Lem Vig is a former inlet which is now a lake surrounded by low-lying rural areas. Sdr. Lem Vig is cut off from the fiord Limfjord with a dam and is drained by a pump. The lake has a rich population of Characeae and benthic vegetation associated with clear calcareous-rich lakes. The lake is surrounded by a large continuous reedbed, as well as cultivated meadows with smaller sections of land with alkaline fens, nardus grassland and heath.
Previously the salt marsh Geddal Strandenge were attempted drained and cultivated, but after a restoration project during the 1990s, today it is left as restored marshes with a valuable birdlife. The grassland Geddal Enge is an important breeding- and migratory site for especially ducks and waders.
This Natura 2000-site is, especially designated on the basis of the following habitats and species: lagoon, marshes, Characeae-lake, alkaline fens, as well as Lutra lutra.
Further information about the Natura 2000-sites 32:
Sønder Lem Vig og Geddal Strandenge
Natureman will focus on a coherent effort for the sub-area:
- N32-1: Sdr. Lem Vig. Catchment area for Sdr. Lem Vig
The Natura 2000-site of the lake Tjele Langsø and watercourse Vinge Møllebæk covers a total area of 1,353 hectares.
Several areas adjacent to Tjele Langsø and along Vinge Møllebæk are covered by forest and protected habitats. The adjacent areas to the Natura 2000-site consists of large agricultural areas.
The site is part of the Skals Å river system and comprises of both a special area of conservation (SAC) and a special protection area (SPA). The special area of conservation is, dominated by both in terms of area and landscape predominantly by Tjele Langsø (409 hectares) with adjacent alder swamps.
Around the lake, there are larger or smaller areas with alkaline fens, which are in varying degrees of overgrowing. The southeastern part of the special area of conservation includes Vinge Møllebæk with millpond and the surrounding steep grassland slopes. Along Vinge Møllebæk, there are several very important sites with alkaline fens, petrifying springs and grasslands with rare species, including Hamatocaulis vernicosus.
In addition to the lake itself, the special protection area also includes large agricultural areas around the estate Tjele Gods south of the lake's western perimeter.
This Natura 2000-site is especially designated on, the basis of a significant presence of the following habitats and species: Alkaline fens, alder- and ash forest as well as Hamatocaulis vernicosus.
Further information about the Natura 2000-sites 33:
Tjele Langsø og Vinge Møllebæk
Natureman will focus on a coherent effort for the sub-area:
- N33-1: Vinge. Catchment area for Vinge Møllebæk
View of the northern part of Rosborg Sø. Foto: Frits Rost.
The site is dominated – in terms of area and as well in terms of landscape – predominantly by the drained lakebed of the former lake Rosborg Sø. The area constitutes of a large topographical depression and primarily comprises of a mosaic of the wetland habitat types. Within the site is the country's largest population of Saxifraga hirculus.
This Natura 2000-site is especially designated based on the significant presence of the following habitats and species: Quaking bogs, petrifying springs and alkaline fens as well as Saxifraga hirculus.
Further information about the Natura 2000-sites 37:
Natureman will focus on a coherent effort for the sub-area:
- N37-1: Rosborg Sø. Catchment area for Rosborg Sø
This small site of just 172 hectares is dominated – in terms of area and as well in terms of landscape – by lowlands with a mosaic of wetland habitats, which feed into the creek Fisk Bæk. An attempt was made in 1955 to drain the former 9-hectare large lake but the project failed and the area was never cultivated farmland.
At the southern end of the site there are a number of springs and species-rich alkaline fens along the foot of the slopes and in the valley, which contain several rare and characteristic species. The adjoining sandy slopes are predominantly overgrown with forest but on the open areas there are heath and nardus grasslands. Within the site there is a small population of Saxifraga hirculus. In the northern part of the site there is longer between the habitat types and the site is characterized by cultivated meadows. The site is especially designated based on a significant presence of the following habitats and species: Petrifying springs and alkaline fens as well as Saxifraga hirculus, Hamatocaulis vernicosus and Vertigo geyeri
Further information about the Natura 2000-sites 38
Natureman will focus on a coherent effort for the sub-area:
- N38-1: Bredsgård Sø
The site extends from Daugbjerg and Mønsted in the south northward primarily along the river valley Jordbro Ådal to the plantations Liebes and Dalgas in the north. In the southern part of the site are the two former limestone quarries Mønsted and Daugbjerg. The limestone quarries constitute an internationally very important wintering ground for several species of Chioptera, including Myotis dasycneme.
The river valleys contains botanically important petrifying springs, e.g. with the occurrence of Hamatocaulis vernicosus. Along the edges of the river valleys are areas of species-rich nardus grasslands and dry heaths. Pastoral grazing has largely ceased in the two river valleys. In the northern part of the site, near Birkesø are large areas with dry heath.
The site is especially designated on the basis of a significant presence of the following habitat types and species: Dry heath, nardus grassland, alkaline fens, oak scrub forest as well as Ophiogomphus Cecilia, Hamatocaulis vernicosus and Myotis dasycnem.
Further information about the Natura 2000-sites 30:
Mønsted og Daugbjerg Kalkgruber og Mønsted Ådal
Natureman will focus on a coherent effort for the sub-area:
- N39-1: Jordbro Ådal. Catchment area from Mønsted to Kvosted
The site of the river valley Villestrup Ådal is situated around the north-south flowing main watercourse Villestrup å and the two westbound tributaries Lundgårds Bæk and Stubberup Bæk. The water quality of the watercourses is extremely good and significant stretches previously had a high physical quality, as they were not exposed to regulatory work. They are characterized by their in average large falland in several places, the underlying lime deposits emerges directly into the watercourse base. The main watercourse originates in the southern part of Rold Skov, and is largely born by a number of water-rich springs, including the drain from Denmark's largest spring pool St. Blåkilde. The river runs out roughly in the middle of the long threshold fiord, Mariager Fjord. The surroundings of the river are characterized in particular by largefen- and meadow areas, which in many places are overgrown with trees, shrubs and / or tall perennials due to lack of grazing. The area still contains a large number of characteristic and very rare species, despite nutrient load and overgrowth. Among many, large areas with alkaline fens some are well preserved with eg. unusually large populations of orchids. Along the river there are locally well-developed alder forests. The dry areas in the river valley, in addition to steep sandy slopes, consist of very undulating heaths and grasslands where the lime often lies bare at the ground surface, and where the watercourse has worked its way into the landscape. As a natural environment the grasslands are unique: All three types of grassland present in Denmark are found, and especially semi-natural dry grassland and nardus grasslands contains a number of rare plants and are among the finest in the country. Here you will among other things find the very rare and red-listed orchids Pseudorchis albida and Neotinea ustulata.
The area has particularly large populations of Lutra lutra and Lampetra planeri, and populations of Vertigo geyeri and Vertigo angustior have been found.
This Natura 2000-site is especially designated on the basis of a significant presence og the following habitats and species: Nardus grassland, Xeric sand calcareous grasslands, semi-natural dry grassland, dry heath and alder- and ash forest as well as Lutra Lutra and Lampetra planeri.
Further information about the Natura 2000-sites 222:
Natureman will focus on a coherent effort for the sub-area:
- N222-1: Villestrup Åda
This Natura 2000-site comprise of the river valley Kastbjerg Ådal, the valleys around the streams Østerkær Bæk, Gloudal Bæk and the lake Kjellerup Sø, as well as coastal slopes and a part of the fiord Mariager Fjord.
In the western part of the habitat is the drained lake True Sø, which drains the adjacent Natura 2000-site no. 30.
This area is especially designated as a Natura 2000-site based on an essential presence of the following habitats (appendix 14): alkaline fen (7230), spring (7220), nardus grassland (6230), old acidophilous oak woods (9190), streams with floating vegetation (3260), and otters.
Further information about the Natura 2000-sites 223:
Natureman will focus on a coherent effort for the sub-area:
N223-1: Kastbjerg Ådal NØ. Catchment area from Kastbjerg to outlet
N223-2: Kastbjerg Ådal V. Catchment area of Kastbjerg å from outlet to Kærby and inlet to Glenstrup Sø from east