The Project
Project Area
Project Description
Through LIFE projects, the EU provides support to implement commitments that Denmark has in the environment and climate areas, including safeguarding of nature in the Natura 2000 sites. Natura 2000 is a network of valuable habitats in the EU. The areas must be preserved and protect a variety of rare and endangered habitats, wild birds, plant and animal species. LIFE IP Natureman is an integrated LIFE project. The integrated projects require a holistic approach that creates coherence with the EU Water Framework Directive, climate strategy and regional development.
Why LIFE IP Natureman?
Rare and endangered semi-natural habitats in river valleys are lost if the areas are not grassed or cared for. Often nature conservation is expensive and difficult, and today many habitats are overgrown with trees and shrubs.
The Farmer as a Manager of Nature
LIFE IP Natureman will focus on preserving and protecting alkaline fens, petrifying springs and grassland in 11 Natura 2000 sites in Himmerland and Midtjylland.
We will do this by purposefully working to make it economically interesting for agriculture to have natural areas with grazing or harvesting of biomass in the operation, thereby developing nature management as a sound branch of farming. It is voluntary for the individual farmer to participate in the project.
Lateral Collaboration
Handling challenges in nature conservation requires holistic solutions that make it necessary to collaborate across disciplines and organizations.
The initiatives in the project, therefore, are determined in close cooperation between the Ministry of the Environment and Food, 8 municipalities and the farming organizations.
Specifically, the project will work to create larger, cohesive areas that are more profitable to care for.
Farmers, agricultural consultants and municipal employees will be offered education in nature conservation as a business branch. Support schemes focusing on nature values are tested and aids are developed for animal husbandry in nature areas.
The project will also support the development of new technology such as drones or electronic ear tags that will facilitate the supervision of grazing animals, as well as the development of machines that can harvest biomass on natural areas in a gentle manner. In addition, the possibilities for marketing and branding meat and other local products from natural areas must be investigated.
The project's efforts must be organized in such a way that they best support growth and development in rural areas.
Experience Must Be Published
The experience and the tools developed in the project must be published through networks for landowners and farmers with animals and in the long term also be used in other natural areas.
The project includes 11 Natura 2000 areas in 8 municipalities:
15: Nibe Bredning, Halkær Ådal og Sønderup Ådal
18: Rold Skov, Lindenborg Ådal og Madum Sø
22: Kielstrup Sø
30: Lovns Bredning, Hjarbæk Fjord og Skals Ådal
32: Sønder Lem Vig og Geddal Strandenge
33: Tjele Langsø og Vinge Møllebæk
37: Rosborg Sø
38: Bredsgård Sø
39: Mønsted og Daugbjerg Kalkgruber og Mønsted Ådal
222: Villestrup Ådal
223: Kastbjerg Ådal
LIFE IP Natureman Economy
The project runs during the period : 2018-2025
78 mio kr.: EU LIFE Program
11 mio kr.: Aage V. Jensen and the 15. Juni Fonden
8 mio kr.: 8 municipalities
33 mio kr.: Statens Naturpakke
130 mio kr.: Total Budget
Complementary actions like research and development projects that supports the efforts in the project will be launched with additional funding.
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The EU Commission is not responsible for any use of this information.