Mid-term Conference Natureman
Mid-term Conference Natureman "The Farmer as a Manager of Nature"
Midway conference Natureman "The farmer as nature manager" The farmer as a nature manager is an 8-year project that aims to improve the nature content of the rare nature types alkalinefens, petrifying springs and grassland in 11 Natura 2000 areas in North and Central Jutland.
The means to achieve this goal is to work to make it easy and economically interesting for the owners of the areas to carry out appropriate nature management.
The project aims to develop nature care as a profitable branch of agriculture that supports an improved biodiversity on the land and the forward-looking care of the land. In this context, it is essential to create larger contiguous natural areas in order to increase the resilience and biodiversity in the areas.
The nature types are often very small areas, which are scattered in the agricultural country. The operation of the small and extensive natural areas in the form of haying or grazing has ceased in many places. This means that the areas grow and the nature content decreases.
At the conference, a number of speakers focus on working methods and results of the first 4 years with The Farmer as a Manager of Nature. The further work in the last 4 years of the project and the significance for nature and biodiversity in the 11 Natura 2000 areas is also revealed.