New Technology in Livestock Farming
New Technology in Livestock Farming
To make nature conservation a profitable line of business, there is a need to streamline several activities that are necessary in connection with animal husbandry on nature areas. Several initiatives have been identified which could help facilitate and make animal husbandry cheaper. The measures include partly the development and testing of new technology and partly some operational adaptations.
In Life IP Natureman, we will test and demonstrate new technology for handling grazing animals for nature conservation. E.g.:
- Intelligent feed boxes and catch folds
- Drones, GPS collars, intelligent ear tags
- Use of "invisible" fences
- New technology for clearing fence lines
In Life IP Natureman, we will investigate how operational adaptations can make it more attractive for the farmer to carry out nature care. E.g.:
- Crossbred calves as nature caretakers
- Assessment, calculation, and experiment with the effect of supplementary feeding
- Fencing of former arable land and natural areas for grazing
- Demonstrate and disseminate benefits of co-grazing between cattle and other grazing animals such as sheep, goats, and horses