Permanent Extensification
Permanent Extensification
The habitat nature areas are often very small and lie as isolated in the river valleys. Thus, 85% of the areas of open nature are less than 5 ha and 50% are less than 1 ha. This makes the areas of valuable nature very vulnerable as the influences from the neighboring areas are very large. Furthermore, the many small areas make management of those areas with either moving hay or grazing very difficult and expensive.
In LIPE IP Natureman, efforts are made to create larger contiguous areas with nature. This makes the valuable nature areas more robust and increases biodiversity while creating the basis for economically viable land management.
The areas described in this activity are areas where permanent extensification occurs to create contiguous areas of nature. These are partly the areas where extensification is registered in accordance with the Environmental Protection Agency's support scheme: "Grants for contiguous areas within Natura 2000 sites" and areas which are purchased for extensification by Danish nature funds or the Danish Nature Agency.
Extensification is also registered on the areas covered by wetland and low-land projects. Land consolidation will also create an ownership bond between land which will promote more profitable land management.