Nature Conservation as Business Branch
Nature Conservation as Business Branch
In the project, Natureman provides expertise and manpower to farmers who want to work with nature conservation as an industry. The project helps to overcome several barriers in relation to creating a positive economy in nature conservation. Assistance is provided in the form of consulting services with advice and guidance, assistance in filling out applications, carrying out calculations, planning, etc.
The help for the landowner/animal keeper can e.g., consist of:
- Leases and grazing agreements
- Advice and guidance for specific areas around subsidy schemes, basic payment with special focus on Natura 2000 subsidy schemes
- Assessment of the economic opportunities in nature conservation
- Starter package for new animal keepers (advice on ear tagging, feeding and legislation)
- Advice and guidance in relation to animal welfare
The help can be given by visiting, by phone, via social media and the project website. The focus will, however, be that the help is given directly to landowners/animal keepers at home at the kitchen table and in the field. Much will thus take place "out in nature" and with the participating landowners/animal keepers, where municipal employees and/or an employee from the farmers' association inspect the areas and help find good solutions.
The action also includes outreach work and information about the opportunities the project must aid in establishing joint initiatives such as grazing companies, grazing guilds, co-grazing/-operation of larger contiguous areas, etc.
The project also helps communities with initiation, facilitation, rule clarification and financial calculations with business case or investment and operating budget. There is also help with choosing an association (IS, A / S, ApS etc.) as well as help with contracts, setting up an association, company or other and preparing accounts.