Partners of the Project
A total of 13 partners participate in the project, including 3 agencies, 8 municipalities, Aage V. Jensen's Naturfond and 15. Juni Fonden.
A detailed description of the individual partners, their role in the project and contact information can be found in the individual subfolders. In addition to the partners in the project, there is close cooperation with 7 local agricultural associations. Other NGOs will be involved in connection to specific activities.
The Danish Nature Agency is, as the beneficiary, overall responsible for the project's implementation and finances. The Danish Nature Agency has the overall role as administrative project manager , as well as the overall financial project manager responsibility. The overall daily project management is carried out by a secretariat connected to the Nature Agency Himmerland. The secretariat consists of two professional project managers and a financial project manager as well as a municipal secretary employee. The municipalities are responsible for the concrete implementation of the project activities in the individual municipality, the involvement of landowners and NGOs and the technical and financial reporting of the projects to the secretariat. Each municipality appoints a local project manager who coordinates the project activities in the municipality in question.
Partners of the Project
Jammerbugt Municipality participates in the project with areas within the Natura 2000 site:
- N15 (Nibe Bredning, Halkær Ådal og Sønderup Ådal)
The project is primarily in the eastern parts of the catchment to Ulvedybet, where a larger interconnected area with salt marshes, meadows and transition zones in between, represent a complex and valuable natural habitat. Since the area is of great value as a breeding and feeding area for a number of bird species, there is also a focus on improving habitats for the birds.
In the project, the focus will be on improving the quality of marshes and the potential for the development of more species-rich meadows with the character of molinia meadows or alkaline fens. Measures that are expected to improve the quality of habitats include improved conservation measures by extensive grazing of the meadows, clearing of unwanted growth of trees and shrubs, and in particular improving the hydrological conditions.
The natural values are sought to be improved through close cooperation and voluntary agreements with the private landowners and other stakeholders in the area.
Head of the Plan and Environment department Gitte Clausen participates in the regional steering committee.
link to the Municipality website
Marianne Fisker
Tel. +45 7191 2308
Mariagerfjord Municipality participates in the project with areas within 5 Natura 2000-sites:
- N18 (Rold Skov, Lindenborg Ådal and Madum Sø)
- N22 (Kielstrup Sø)
- N30 (Lovns Bredning, Hjarbæk Fjord, Simested and Nørre Ådale, and Skravad Bæk)
- N222 (Villestrup Ådal)
- N223 (Kastbjerg Ådal)
The sites at Kielstrup Sø and Villestrup Ådal are located exclusively in the Mariagerfjord municipality, while the other three areas cross the municipal boundary. Within these Natura 2000 areas, there are distinctive river valleys with great natural values, while there are also great agricultural interests and recreational interests.
Mariagerfjord Municipality has a good and strong tradition of working with landowners and other stakeholders, in order to preserve and expand the areas with the rare and vulnerable habitat types of alkaline fens, petrifying springs and grasslands. This can be done, e.g. through grazing, clearing unwanted growth, harvesting biomass and special conservation initiatives, based on making nature conservation a sound branch of farming.
We will also try to create added value by helping with the organization of grazing communities and the like, as well as the marketing of nature conservation meat
The particular nature of the municipality is an important part of a common identity and through the project, we will have a special focus on how a rich nature can support and strengthen that Mariagerfjord Municipality must be a good place to settle, live and work. We also want to cooperate with neighbouring municipalities, as the Natura 2000-sites overlap with both Randers, Viborg and Rebild Municipality. Just over 10% of the total area of the project is located within the Mariagerfjord Municipality.
Section Manager for the Water and Nature department Steffen Michael Thomsen participates in the regional steering Committee.
Rasmus Fuglsang Frederiksen
Tel. +45 9711 3619
Læsten bakker
Randers Municipality participates in LIFE IP Natureman with areas within the Natura 2000 sites:
- N30 (Lovns Bredning, Hjarbæk Fjord, Simested og Nørre Ådale samt Skravad Bæk)
- N223 (Kastbjerg Ådal)
The N30 site at Skals Å includes a very large area of Himmerland, of which approx. 1900 ha are located in Randers Municipality: The meadows at Skals Å to the north of Fårup, Bjerregravmose, Læsten Bakker and Fussing Sø.
The N223-site has an area of 1130 ha, of which 38 ha are part of the sea. The site includes the entire Kastbjerg Ådal with side valleys, the valleys around Glovdal Bæk and Kjellerup Sø as well as the valley around Østerkær Bæk and the drained True Sø bordering Natura 2000 site N30, to the west. The areas have a high nature value, and several of the habitats are well preserved with species-rich vegetation and rare species. 500 ha of the 1130 ha of alkaline fens and a large number of petrifying springs are located in Randers Municipality north of the towns Kastbjerg, Enslev, Kærby and Dyrby. As the river forms a municipal boundary, close cooperation with Mariagerfjord Municipality is carried out on the tasks.
In the project, Randers Municipality will work with landowners and other stakeholders to maintain and expand the areas with rare and vulnerable habitats: alkaline fens, petrifying springs and grassland. This happens through grazing, harvesting of biomass and special care measures, based on making nature conservation a sound branch of farming. In addition, we are working to ensure extensive operation on the interconnected nature areas to prevent overgrowth with tall herbs and trees and to ensure further coherence between the habitat types.
The activities of Life IP Natureman will build on the projects and initiatives that have been carried out in the river valleys with the aim of achieving a favourable conservation status in the long term for petrifying springs, alkaline fens and grassland within the sites.
Section Manager for the Environment, Nature and Agriculture Michael Damm participates in the regional steering committee.
link to the Municipality's website
Rasmus Hansen
Tel.+45 89 15 18 91
Lindenborg Å ved Blåhøl
Rebild Municipality participates in the project with areas within the Natura 2000 sites:
- N15 (Nibe Bredning, Halkær Ådal og Sønderup Ådal)
- N18 (Rold Skov, Lindenborg Ådal og Madum Sø)
Sønderup Ådal, N15, is a distinctive river valley, which is formed by the almost unregulated Sønderup Å. In the narrow valley and along the often steep hilly valley sides there is a rich and varied nature. The valley contains large interconnected areas of nardus grasslands as well as occurrences of alkaline fens and petrifying springs.
Lindenborg Å, N18, is born by a number of springs, of which the most famous are Lille Blåkilde, Ravnkilde, Blåhøl and Kovadsbæk. The river is unregulated on long stretches. Along the hilly sides of the valley, there is an unusually rich and unique nature, especially connected to the area's springs and lime deposits. Among the so-called wet habitats, it is especially the sites many springs that are unique. The area contains some of the open habitats most worthy of conservation in the country. This applies for example to occurrences of semi-natural dry grasslands with a large number of rare plants, such as red-listed species Crepis praemorsa and Tephroseris integrifolia, as well as the very rare and red-listed orchids, Cypripedium calceolus and Neotinea ustulata.
In the project, Rebild Municipality will cooperate with landowners and other stakeholders to ensure rare and vulnerable habitats in the river valleys. This can be done, e.g. through grazing, harvesting of biomass and special care measures, based on making nature conservation a sound branch of farming.
Rebild Municipality participates in the regional steering committee with Tove Nyegaard, Head of the Nature and Environment department.
link to the Municipality website
Anja Daugbjerg Hansen
Tel. +45 99 88 76 56
Skive Municipality participates in the project with areas within the Natura 2000-sites:
- N30 (Lovns Bredning, Hjarbæk Fjord, Simested og Nørre Ådale samt Skravad Bæk)
- N32 (Sønder Lem Vig og Geddal Strandenge)
Within these Natura 2000-sites, there are great natural values, as well as hunting and agricultural interests.
In the project, Skive Municipality will cooperate with landowners and other stakeholders in order to preserve and expand the areas with the rare habitat types of alkaline fens, petrifying springs and grasslands. This can be done, through grazing and special conservation measures, based on making nature conservation a sound branch of farming.
Skive Municipality participates in the project with a local project manager. Head of the Construction and Environment department Ann Ammitzbo participates in the regional steering committee.
link to the Municipality website
Maria Bartolomé Criado
Tel. +45 99 15 77 18
Vesthimmerland Municipality participates in the project with areas within the Natura 2000-sites:
- N15 (Nibe Bredning, Halkær Ådal og Sønderup Ådal)
- N30 (Lovns Bredning, Hjarbæk Fjord, Simested og Nørre Ådale samt Skravad Bæk)
The project is specifically about Sønderup Ådal, Halkær Ådal, Simested Ådal, Lerkenfeld Ådal and Lovnshalvøen. Within these Natura 2000-sites, there are distinctive river valleys with great natural values, while there are great agricultural interests and recreational interests too.
Vesthimmerland Municipality will work with landowners and other stakeholders to preserve and expand the areas with the rare and vulnerable habitat types of alkaline fens, petrifying springs and grasslands. This can be done, through grazing, clearing unwanted growth, harvesting biomass and special care measures, based on making nature conservation a sound branch of farming. We will also cooperate with neighbouring municipalities, as both Simested -, Halkær - and Sønderup Å have boundaries to Viborg, Aalborg and Rebild Municipality.
About 15% of the total project area is located within Vesthimmerland Municipality.
Section Manager for Nature, Karen Clausager participates in the regional steering committee.
link to the Municipality website
Per E. Rasmussen
Tel. +45 99 66 71 09
Viborg Municipality participates in the project with areas within the Natura 2000-sites:
- N30 (Lovns Bredning, Hjarbæk Fjord, Simested og Nørre Ådale og Skravad Bæk)
- N33 (Tjele Langsø og Vinge Møllebæk)
- N37 (Rosborg Lake)
- N38 (Bredsgård Sø)
- N39 (Mønsted og Daugbjerg Kalkgruber og Mønsted Ådal)
Within these Natura 2000-sites, there are distinctive valleys with extensive nature values, while there also are extensive agricultural interests. In the project, Viborg Municipality will cooperate with landowners and other stakeholders in order to preserve and expand the areas with the rare and vulnerable habitats of alkaline fens, petrifying springs and grassland. This can be done, e.g. through grazing, harvesting of biomass and special care measures, based on making nature conservation a sound branch of farming.
About 1/3 of the total area of the project is located within Viborg Municipality., Daniel Lindvig, Section Manager for the Nature and Water department participates in the national steering group and in the regional steering group. Viborg Municipality also contributes to the project's secretariat with an employee.
Link to the Municipality website
Eva Christensen
Tel. +45 87 87 55 71
Aalborg Municipality participates in the project with areas within the Natura 2000-sites:
- N15 (Nibe bredning, Halkær Ådal og Sønderup Ådal)
- N18 (Rold skov, Lindeborg Ådal og Madum Sø)
Within these Natura 2000-sites, there are distinctive valleys with valuable nature, while there are also extensive agricultural interests.
In the project, Aalborg Municipality will work with landowners and other stakeholders to preserve and expand the areas with the rare and vulnerable habitat types alkaline fens, petrifying springs and grassland. This can be done, e.g. through grazing, harvesting of biomass and special care measures, based on making nature conservation a sound branch of farming.
City Head gardener Kirsten Lund Andersen participates in the national steering committee and the regional steering committee.
Svend Klitgaard Lassen
Tel. +45 99 31 24 35
The Danish Nature Agency is an agency in the Ministry of the Environment. The Danish Nature Agency manages approx. 200,000 ha of state forests and nature areas, so that the greatest possible value is created for society in form of a good framework for outdoor life, protection of nature and biodiversity and efficient management of the agency's forests and other nature areas. In addition to the day-to-day management, the Danish Nature Agency carries out many projects within nature restoration, afforestation, and climate, to implement the Danish Parliament's wishes for the development of landscapes and land use in Denmark.
As the coordinating beneficiary, the Danish Nature Agency is overall responsible for the implementation of the project. The Danish Nature Agency has the overall project management, as well as the overall financial responsibility. The Danish Nature Agency is responsible for communication and reporting to the EU Commission, including financial reporting, requests for project changes and disbursement of funds from the EU.
The Danish Nature Agency is also in charge of several specific actions in Natureman and is the project owner for several complementary projects, e.g., MUFJO (multifunctional land consolidation) in Nørre Ådalen, MUFJO Skals Enge and several lowland and climate lowland projects.
Read more about the work of the Danish Nature Agency here.
Signe Nepper Larsen, who is Deputy Director of the Danish Nature Agency, is the project owner for Life IP Natureman and chairman of the national steering group.
Bendt E. Andersen, Chief Forester at the Danish Nature Agency's local unit in Himmerland, is the regional steering group's overall project manager and chairman.
The daily project management is performed by a secretariat consisting of project manager Jørgen Bidstrup, project manager Karin Hjortshøj Pedersen and financial project manager Søren Rasmussen. Hanne Stadsgaard Jensen from Viborg Municipality represents the municipalities in the secretariat.
Projektleder Jørgen Bidstrup
Tel.+45 60 61 30 55
Projektleder Karin Hjortshøj
Tel. +45 25 46 33 11
The Danish Environmental Protection Agency is an agency in the Ministry of the Environment. The Danish Environmental Protection Agency works for bountiful nature, clean water, safe chemicals and green production and in this connection handles a wide range of tasks within these topics. The Danish Environmental Protection Agency collects i.e. monitoring data on impact, condition and development in nature and the environment in Denmark through NOVANA, the national monitoring program for water and nature.
In LIFE IP Natureman, the Danish Environmental Protection Agency leads the work of documenting the effect of the project's nature conservation efforts on nature and species within the project area. The starting point is data from the NOVANA monitoring supplemented with further data collection targeted the project.
In addition, the Danish Environmental Protection Agency participates i.e. in the workgroup regarding the establishment of appropriate hydrology, in the group on ecosystem services and socio-economic impact as well as in the project data group.
Deputy Director Katrine Nissen, participates in the national steering group, while the office manager in the Danish Environmental Protection Agency, Jakob Høeg, participates in the regional steering group.
Link til Miljøstyrelsens hjemmeside
Maria Pécseli
Tel. +45 41 31 85 07
The Danish Agricultural Agency is a board of the Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Fisheries of Denmark. The Danish Agricultural Agency works to create the best framework for Danish agriculture. To create growth and jobs for the benefit of the whole country while taking care of our climate and environment.
The Danish Agricultural Agency participates in all tasks related to the drafting of laws and regulations in the field of agriculture nationally as well as within the EU. The Danish Agricultural Agency administered the agricultural support schemes under the Rural Program.
The Danish Agricultural Agency is responsible for the Land Consolidation Act, including the implementation of public land acquisition and land distribution. The National Board of Agriculture is responsible for the acquisition, resale and operation of The Danish Agricultural Agency's temporary holding of land.
In the LIFE IP Natureman project, the Danish Agricultural Agency will test a new type of inspection for nature conservation, which focuses on the natural value, and not only on mowing or grazing efforts. The new model is based on biodiversity indicators. This means that the farmer will be checked for the natural value obtained, rather than whether the land has been mown or grazed per September 15th. the Danish Agricultural Agency expects to make the first trial registrations in 2020. The work is being carried out in close cooperation with the other parties to the project, and with the involvement of farmers and managers of nature, their agricultural consultants and other agricultural industry.
Read more about the work of the Danish Agricultural Agency here.
Read more about the effect-based nature subsidy scheme here.
In addition, Natureman is in the process of developing land consolidation tools that can handle the challenges posed by a multifunctional approach to river valleys.
Manager of Agricultural Support and Geodata, Peter Ritzau Eigaard participates in the national steering group and in the regional steering group.
Effect-based Nature Subsidy Scheme
Sarah Vestergård Hansen
Tel. + 45 25 23 85 62
Land consolidation
Jesper Blåbjerg
Tel. +45 22 68 96 41
Financial partners in the project
AAGE V. JENSEN Nature Foundation works to preserve, protect, and highlight Danish natural values and give everyone the opportunity to experience a rich nature today and in the future.
AAGE V. JENSEN Nature Foundation provides support for many nature projects in Denmark within research, dissemination and initiatives that will increase the population's enjoyment of nature. Furthermore, The Nature Foundation has acquired several of Denmark's most important nature areas, to make it possible to initiate and carry out targeted nature protection, nature restoration and nature dissemination for the benefit of current and future generations. The Nature Foundation currently owns 31 individual nature areas which are organized on 23 sites of a total of just over 19,300 hectares in Denmark.
In 2012-2016, AAGE V. JENSEN Nature Foundation supported and was a partner in the project: "Nature conservation as an industry". A project which subsequently formed the basis for the application for LIFE IP Natureman.
The harvesting of meadow grasses for the production of biogas was developed in this project under the name: "From grass to gas". From 2018, the concept has become part of LIFE IP Natureman action C5: "Mechanical harvesting of biomass on natural areas". AAGE V. JENSENS Nature Foundation supported harvest and machine development in 2017 with approx. 2 mio. until the grant for LIFE IP Natureman was in place.
AAGE V. JENSEN Nature Foundation is a financial partner in LIFE IP Natureman and supports the project with DKK 8.4 million. kr. The foundation is also represented by Chief Forester Jacob Palsgaard Andersen in the National Steering Group for Natureman.
AAGE V. JENSEN Nature Foundation has also provided a grant of DKK 5.9 million. for the supplementary project: "Mapping, restoration and management of groundwater-born bogs and springs". Read more about the project here.
The June 15 foundation works to create a Denmark where nature and the landscape are protected and used with respect for their lasting values. The foundation prioritises projects and initiatives that create synergies and that can be scaled up and set an example.
The June 15 foundation prioritises projects and initiatives that create coherence, size, and synergy. The fund, therefore, prioritises support for the establishment of new nature areas in connection with existing nature areas. It is the Foundation's belief that larger and more cohesive nature areas create a better and more robust nature. The foundation also prioritises projects and initiatives that are implemented as part of a larger context and thus contribute to creating synergy between initiatives.
The 15 June Foundation prioritises projects and initiatives that support sustainable ecological functionality with a natural or natural dynamism for ecosystems and species. The foundation supports nature management as a process close to nature and a sustainable business branch. The foundation supports hunting-related activities that promote the positive contribution of hunting practice to nature and biodiversity.
The June 15 foundation supports projects and initiatives that increase the population's knowledge of and commitment to nature and biodiversity.
In 2017, The June 15 foundation supported the preparation of the application for LIFE IP Natureman with DKK 483,000.
The June 15 foundation is a financial partner in LIFE IP Natureman and supports the project with DKK 2.5 million. The foundation is also represented by Program Manager Steffen Brøgger Jensen in the Regional Steering Group for Natureman, and in the working group on building a Knowledge Center for Nature Management during action E3: Capacity building
The June 15 foundation has also provided a grant of DKK 220,000 for the supplementary project: "Knowledge center for Nature Management - overview of existing knowledge". Read more about the project here.