Wetland Project Skravad Bæk - Preliminary Investigation

Wetland Project – Preliminary Investigation, Skravad Bæk North of Bjerregrav

Overveiw map. Location of the study area east of Møldrup in the northern part of Viborg Municipality.

Preliminary Investigation of the wetland projects “Skravad Bæk nord for Bjerregrav” has been concluded in the fall of 2020. It is located in Nørre Ådalen, southwest of Ørum, in Viborg Municipality. The project area is within Natura 2000 area 30: “Lovns Bredning, Hjarbæk Fjord, Simested og Nørre Ådal samt Skravad Bæk” in Natureman sub region N30-6-2.

The projects covers approx. 68 ha and approx. 40 landowners. It removes annually 6,525 kg of nitrogen, equivalent to 87 kg N/ha. The phosphorous loss is estimated at 35.5 kg. The CO2 reduction is estimated at 191 tons per year.

The projects is expected to contribute to improving conditions for the already fine trout population, brook lamprey, ect. Skravad Bæk and Lund Bæk will experience improved physical conditions. The sand migration that currently poses problems for fish and stream fauna will be reduced.

Viborg Municipality has implemented the projects in collaboration with landowners.
Link to the report: Skravad Bæk vådområde – Teknisk forundersøgelse.

Funding has been secured for the realization of the project.


Project Period: 2020-2022
Project Financing:
    National Funds: DKK 177,500
    EU Funds: DKK 532,500
Project Sum: DKK 710,000


Ole Borg Christensen
Viborg Municipality
mail: obo@viborg.dk
tel.: +45 87 87 55 12